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Presidents Message April 2024
Apr 29, 2024

Subject: April 2024 Update

Dear Members,

I hope all is well! As we move through Spring I wanted to keep you informed and updated about the latest developments and updates within the GFFA and the Glendale Fire Department. In addition, we continue to participate in upcoming events that promise to be both enjoyable and fun!


DC Stavros Retirement Party

  • Saturday May 4, 2024 | 6:00PM | Mya’s Rooftop Glenmark Hotel

Galleri Cancer Screening

  • GFFA action item and successful lobby for cancer screening
  • Supported by Fire Chief Fish, Glendale City Management, and Glendale City Council
  • All sworn personnel to have access to the “Galleri Cancer Screening”


After lots of discussion on MERP, we had very good feedback with our GFFA Open Office Hours. We are currently working on finalizing the updated language/communication to send out to the membership for voting. We are anticipating administering an IAFF MERP vote from May 6 to May 20. We are excited to see majority of our members looking forward to this benefit. Please continue to reach out to your shift-director for any further questions.  


Great news! As you may have seen from FC Fish’s video update, Verdugo Dispatch is working on a new CAD system. Chief Fish has been instrumental in listening and witnessing the faults in the system. We are not sure when the new system will roll-out, but they will be working to go to a new system. Please continue to be practice patience as we move forward. Thank you to BC Ambrose who has been working on trying out newer systems in implement.


As you may have seen, the Training Center has been getting some new training props! A big thank you to BC Richey and the Training Division for these improvements made at the TC. It is great to see the dedication put in collectively to enhance our training ensuring that our firefighters receive the best possible training.


On April 2, FC Fish and City-Gate Representative present the City-Gate survey to the City Council. The report summary illustrated a wide variety of topics related to the GFD. It was highlighted that our Fire Stations need to be replaced/remodeled. Until then, we continue to do the best we can. A big thank you to BC Julian for the support and improvements in representing our crews when an FSR is submitted, ensuring our facilities/stations continue to get the help, repairs and representation we need. Please continue to submit FSRs and communicate effectively.


  • A Shift Directors- Flahavan/ Baker
  • B Shift Directors- Bail/ Avent
  • C Shift Directors- Blikian/ Arroyo
  • Secretary- Joe Donnelly
  • Treasurer- Scott Mohlenbrok
  • Vice President- Chris Jernegan
  • President- Ara Zakarian


  • COPS4KIDS Golf Tournament: Contact Mohlenbrok (GFFA Sponsored)
  • GYA Golf Tournament: Contact Mohlenbrok (GFFA Sponsored)
  • Quest Fish-Off: Contact Leo Pryor (GFFA Sponsored)


On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank every single one of you for your undivided and unified support of the GFFA. The clear illustration of appreciation, teamwork, passion, and grit displayed by the entire membership is recognized. The entire board is working nonstop on various tasks to represent all of you. Our goal is to plan for our future. Our mission is to protect our members. Our intent is to provide for our families. We are humbled to have your trust, and we assure you that we maintain the objective of keeping you and your family as our top priority. Please continue to reach out to shift directors with any questions. Please feel free to contact any Executive Board member for any confidential matters. We are here to help. Take care of yourselves and the others around you. We have the resources in place to help, and if we don’t yet, we will do everything in our power to get it. 

In solidarity,

Ara Zakarian
Glendale Firefighters Association Local 776
Plan. Protect. Provide.

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Glendale, CA 91204

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