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Presidents Message June 2024
Jun 14, 2024

Subject: June 2024 Update

Dear Members,

I hope all is well! Summer is pretty much here and I would like to start off by wishing everyone a happy, healthy, and fun-filled Summer. Additionally, Happy Father’s Day to all our fire families! Thank you to those in our Fire Stations. We hope you get to spend some time with your family with a visit!

I wanted to keep you informed and updated about the latest developments and updates within the GFFA and the Glendale Fire Department. In addition, we continue to participate in upcoming events that promise to be both enjoyable and fun!


Glendale Cruise Night

  • Saturday July 20, 2024 |Downtown Glendale (Brand Blvd)
  • If you have a classic, bring it down and make it a GFFA night!
  • Please contact D. Arroyo or S. Baker for registration details.

Galleri Cancer Screening

Glendale Fire Department Awards Luncheon

  • Thursday October 3, 2024 | Glendale Hilton
  • Host by Glendale Fire Foundation. Hope to see everyone there!


After our MERP voting initiative, the results are as follows:

-Option 1- Tiered Option 10 Year- 65 Votes
-Option 2- Flat Contribution ($325)- 15 Votes
-Option 3- Flat Contribution ($200)- 32 Votes

Option 1 came out as the majority option. We are excited to see all our members have an avenue to create savings & and benefit for their retirement health care. We have submitted the IAFF MERP language with our MOU for final review!

-A big thank you to C. Jernegan for working on this item and finalizing the review process with the City and the IAFF!


Congratulations to GFFA member Brian Murphy being promoted to Deputy Chief  of VFCC. Congrats Deputy Chief B. Murphy! Great news! As you may have seen from FC Fish’s video update, Verdugo Dispatch is working on a new CAD system. Chief Fish has been instrumental in listening and witnessing the faults in the system. We are not sure when the new system will roll-out, but they will be working to go to a new system. Please continue to be practice patience as we move forward.


  • The GFFA was approached by Management with concerns about employees working beyond 120 (5 days) contiguous hours. After much review, the GFFA supports the reasons to alter some language to support firefighter health & safety. Additionally, going along with industry standard, we are working on some updated language to reflect a “Voluntary Overtime not go beyond 120 hours unless covering a mandatory. 24 hours off required between 120 hour shifts”

**Disclaimer: This is not effective yet, and this is not the final resolution. We are working towards a final language**


  • If you have been mandatory-hired for a shift, and find coverage, please notify the Staff Captain office ASAP. This can be done through calling the Staff Captain Office and leaving a message, or through email in order to notify the office of coverage with a time-stamp.
  • Please review some of the updated language in the updated Staffing Policy sent out by BC Gano. This is a living document, we will continue to make updates, should they be necessary.
  • Please contact your shift rep with any questions. A big thank you to BC Gano, G.Blikian, and D. Arroyo for working on changes.


  • As our newest MOU goes into effect, you will notice some changes on your paycheck. We have reviewed the items with the City of Glendale Finance team, to find out how & when the changes will be reflected based on their mechanics of payment.
Payday of 6/13
  • All pay, contributions, and deductions reflect period of 5/16 to 6/1
Payday of 6/27
  • All pay, contributions, and deductions reflect period of 6/1 to 6/15
  • Medical Contributions to begin & reflected
Payday of 7/11
  • All pay, contribution, and deductions reflect period of 6/16 to 6/30
Payday of 7/25
  • All pay, contribution, and deductions reflect period of 7/1 to 7/13
  • COLA & Ratification Bonus to begin & reflected.


  • The Peer Support team led by D. Tamburro has been in the process of reviewing and renewing our peer support team and members. In partnership with the GFFA, we will be sending out a new survey & form for all members to complete and submit. This is will ensure that the Peer Support team has the most updated information from all our members.
  • Thank you to D. Tamburro and S. Mohlenbrok for working on this item!


  • A Shift Directors- Flahavan/ Baker
  • B Shift Directors- Bail/ Avent
  • C Shift Directors- Blikian/ Arroyo
  • Secretary- Joe Donnelly
  • Treasurer- Scott Mohlenbrok
  • Vice President- Chris Jernegan
  • President- Ara Zakarian


On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank every single one of you for your undivided and unified support of the GFFA. The clear illustration of appreciation, teamwork, passion, and grit displayed by the entire membership is recognized. The entire board is working nonstop on various tasks to represent all of you. Our goal is to plan for our future. Our mission is to protect our members. Our intent is to provide for our families. We are humbled to have your trust, and we assure you that we maintain the objective of keeping you and your family as our top priority. Please continue to reach out to shift directors with any questions. Please feel free to contact any Executive Board member for any confidential matters. We are here to help. Take care of yourselves and the others around you. We have the resources in place to help, and if we don’t yet, we will do everything in our power to get it. 

In solidarity,

Ara Zakarian
Glendale Firefighters Association Local 776
Plan. Protect. Provide.

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